
BBHL Draft Era
'16-17 Playoffs, '17-18 Playoffs, ’18-19 Playoffs, '19-20, '19-20 Playoffs, '14-15, '15-16, '16-17, S2016, '17-18, '18-19, '21-22, ’21-22 Playoffs, ’22-23, ’22-23 Playoffs, ’23-24, ’23-24 Playoffs, '24-25, '24-25 Playoffs
Kirkland Arena, Le Club West-Island, Le Dome West-Island

Ducks Players ’24-25

1Ryan PatulliDefenseman4700
2Matt TvaronasForward3600
3Thomas RibeiroForward, Defenseman3500
4Lucas ScullionForward, Defenseman4320
5Dimitri TsitourasForward6120
6Michael “Rico” ChabotarForward, Defenseman1560
7Matt PatulliForward3360
8Chris D’EliaDefenseman0540
9Chris BarnettForward2100
10Brad JohnsForward0220
11Kyle RunningsForward1100
12Joe RogersForward0200
13Jamie CollisterDefenseman, Goalie0100
14Sandro Di TrapaniDefenseman1020
15Matt GagnonForward, Defenseman0120

Ducks Goalies ’24-25

Jamie CollisterDefenseman, Goalie201671470


3:30 pm
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Ducks vs The Irish

4:30 pm
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

P.C. United vs Ducks

5:30 pm
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

4:30 pm
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blazers vs Ducks

3:30 pm
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Ducks vs Punishers


4 - 1
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Ducks vs Punishers

3 - 5
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blazers vs Ducks

1 - 1
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

2 - 2
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Ducks vs The Irish

3 - 6
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

P.C. United vs Ducks

3 - 2
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Ducks vs Punishers

6 - 1
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blazers vs Ducks

2 - 5
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

5 - 2
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

P.C. United vs Ducks (Week 2 09-11-2024)

2 - 2
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Ducks vs The Irish

6 - 3
’23-24 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs The Irish

6 - 4
’23-24 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

6 - 2
’23-24 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

7 - 0
’23-24 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Ducks

2 - 3
’23-24 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Ducks

3 - 2
’23-24 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Ducks

5 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

3 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Ducks

7 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Ducks

6 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Ducks

6 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

4 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

5 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Ducks

1 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Ducks

6 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Ducks

2 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs The Irish

3 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

3 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

2 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Ducks

0 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Ducks

6 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Ducks

2 - 6
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs The Irish

5:30 pm
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

2 - 6
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

5 - 4
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

0 - 3
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Ducks

6 - 3
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

3 - 8
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Easy Company

7 - 3
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

4 - 2
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

3 - 2
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs The Irish

0 - 5
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

4 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

1 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs The Irish

2 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

5 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

5 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

5 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

5 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs The Irish

4 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

1 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

4 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Easy Company

3 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

1 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

2 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs The Irish

6 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

2 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

1 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Easy Company

4 - 3
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

3 - 4
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

0 - 7
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Kingsmen

1 - 4
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

2 - 5
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

0 - 3
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

3 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Kingsmen

1 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

3 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

4 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

1 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

2 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Kingsmen

4 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

3 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

4 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

3 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

6:00 pm
'19-20 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Kingsmen vs Ducks

5:00 pm
'19-20 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

6:00 pm
'19-20 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

4:00 pm
'19-20 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

4 - 6
'19-20 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

4 - 4
'19-20 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

2 - 7
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

2 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

2 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

1 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

4 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

4 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

3 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

4 - 6
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

2 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

1 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

4 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Kingsmen vs Ducks

2 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

6 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

0 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

4 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

4 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Kingsmen vs Ducks

5:00 pm
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

0 - 3
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Ducks

3 - 3
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

PCU vs Ducks

3 - 1
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs PCU

4 - 2
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

4 - 4
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

3 - 2
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

1 - 3
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Kingsmen

2 - 4
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

4 - 3
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

7 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

1 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

3 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Kingsmen

5 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

2 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

3 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

2 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

2 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Kingsmen

4 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

2 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

0 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

5 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

3 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

4 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Kingsmen

3 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

5 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

6 - 5
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Kingsmen

4 - 4
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Ducks

2 - 5
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

4 - 2
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

1 - 1
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

5 - 3
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Ducks

6 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Ducks

7 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Ducks

4 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

2 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blazers

2 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

5 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

5 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Ducks

3 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Kingsmen

2 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

4 - 6
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

2 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Kingsmen vs Ducks

2 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Ducks

5 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Ducks

7 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Ducks

1 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Ducks

8 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

3 - 5
'16-17 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

5 - 3
'16-17 Playoffs
Kirkland Arena

Blades of Steel vs Ducks

3 - 3
'16-17 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Ducks

7 - 4
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Ducks v Punishers

2 - 4
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

P.C. United v Ducks

0 - 7
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Ducks

2 - 2
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Blades of Steel v Ducks

2 - 2
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Ducks v Churchers

5 - 5
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Ducks v Blazers

0 - 1
Golf Dome

Ducks v Punishers

1 - 3
Golf Dome

P.C. United v Ducks

2 - 2
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Ducks

6 - 4
Golf Dome

Blades of Steel v Ducks

2 - 3
Golf Dome

Ducks v Churchers

5 - 1
Golf Dome

Ducks v Blazers

5 - 5
Golf Dome

Ducks v Punishers

2 - 3
Golf Dome

P.C. United v Ducks

2 - 7
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Ducks

5 - 2
Golf Dome

Blades of Steel v Ducks

1 - 3
Golf Dome

Ducks v Churchers

1 - 0
Golf Dome

Ducks v Blazers

2 - 5
Golf Dome

Ducks v Punishers

3 - 5
Golf Dome

P.C. United v Ducks

2 - 3
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Ducks

4 - 2
Golf Dome

Blades of Steel v Ducks

3 - 3
Golf Dome

Ducks v Churchers

2 - 3
Golf Dome

Ducks v Blazers

9:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

Churchers v Ducks

6:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

Ducks v Kingsmen

8:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

Blazers v Ducks

7:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

Step Brothers v Ducks

9:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

Blades of Steel v Ducks

8:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

PC United v Ducks

9:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

Ducks v Punishers

7:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

PC United v Ducks

6:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

Step Brothers v Ducks

8:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

Blazers v Ducks

9:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

Ducks v Kingsmen

8:30 pm
Kirkland Arena

Blades of Steel v Ducks