3 Kevin Flood

Kevin Flood
Current Team
Past Teams
P.C. United, Punishers, Kingsmen, Blades of Steel, Churchers
BBHL Draft Era
'16-17 Playoffs, '17-18 Playoffs, ’18-19 Playoffs, '19-20, '19-20 Playoffs, '16-17, '17-18, '18-19, '21-22, ’21-22 Playoffs, ’23-24, ’23-24 Playoffs, '24-25, '24-25 Playoffs, ’22-23, ’22-23 Playoffs

BBHL Draft Era

Blades of Steel812300.38200000000.0000
Blades of Steel15191000.67600000000.0000
P.C. United831400.50600000000.0000
P.C. United802200.25000000000.0000
Blades of Steel1503300.20200000000.0000
Blades of Steel500000.00400000000.0000


6 - 3
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blazers vs Blades of Steel

3 - 4
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blazers vs The Irish

3 - 5
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blazers vs Ducks

3 - 3
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

P.C. United vs Blazers

6 - 3
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blazers vs Blades of Steel

2 - 7
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blazers vs Punishers

2 - 2
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blazers vs The Irish

6 - 1
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blazers vs Ducks

3 - 2
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

P.C. United vs Blazers

2 - 3
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blazers vs Punishers

1 - 4
SportXpo (Sportsplexx)

Blades of Steel vs Blazers

6 - 4
’23-24 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Blades of Steel

4 - 3
’23-24 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Blades of Steel

2 - 5
’23-24 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Blades of Steel

3 - 1
’23-24 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Blades of Steel

5 - 7
’23-24 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs The Irish

1 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Blades of Steel

3 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Blades of Steel

6 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Blades of Steel

0 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs The Irish

6 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Blades of Steel

6 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

4 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Blades of Steel

2 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Blades of Steel

3 - 6
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs The Irish

1 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Blades of Steel

3 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

3 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Blades of Steel

6 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Blades of Steel

1 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs The Irish

4 - 6
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Blades of Steel

2 - 6
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Ducks

0 - 3
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Punishers

1 - 5
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Easy Company

3 - 2
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Punishers

3 - 2
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs P.C. United

1 - 4
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

The Irish vs Punishers

2 - 6
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Punishers

4 - 2
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

2 - 6
’22-23 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Punishers

3 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs P.C. United

2 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Punishers

2 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

1 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Punishers

2 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Punishers

2 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

The Irish vs Punishers

5 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Punishers

1 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Punishers

2 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs P.C. United

0 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

The Irish vs Punishers

3 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Easy Company vs Punishers

6 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Punishers

1 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Punishers

5 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs P.C. United

1 - 0
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs PCU Game 2

0 - 2
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs PCU Game 1

3 - 1
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs P.C. United

2 - 4
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs P.C. United

0 - 6
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs P.C. United

3 - 3
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs P.C. United

1 - 4
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

3 - 5
’21-22 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Kingsmen vs P.C. United

4 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs P.C. United

0 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Kingsmen vs P.C. United

1 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

5 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs P.C. United

3 - 6
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs P.C. United

2 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Kingsmen vs P.C. United

3 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs P.C. United

3 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs P.C. United

3 - 3
'19-20 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Churchers

2 - 7
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

2 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

4 - 6
Le Dome West-Island

Kingsmen vs Churchers

5 - 6
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Churchers

1 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Churchers

2 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Churchers

3 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

4 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs P.C. United

1 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Kingsmen vs Churchers

5 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Churchers

4 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs P.C. United

3 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Churchers

6 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Churchers

3 - 7
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Churchers

3 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs P.C. United

0 - 3
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Ducks

2 - 2
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Blazers

1 - 2
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Churchers

4 - 2
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

4 - 4
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Punishers

4 - 0
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Blades of Steel

4 - 1
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Churchers

4 - 2
’18-19 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Kingsmen

6 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Blades of Steel

2 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Churchers

4 - 7
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Churchers

3 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Kingsmen

2 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

4 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Punishers

7 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Blades of Steel

6 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Churchers

0 - 7
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Churchers

0 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Kingsmen

0 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Churchers

3 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Punishers

4 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Blades of Steel

5 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Churchers

3 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Churchers

4 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Kingsmen

2 - 4
'17-18 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Kingsmen vs Blades of Steel

3 - 3
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel v Kingsmen

3 - 4
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs P.C. United

7 - 0
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Churchers

6 - 2
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Blades of Steel

4 - 1
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Blazers

1 - 4
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Kingsmen

5 - 3
'17-18 Playoffs
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Ducks

6 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Ducks

2 - 6
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Blades of Steel

6 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

P.C. United vs Blades of Steel

2 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Ducks vs Blades of Steel

2 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Blades of Steel

3 - 0
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs P.C. United

2 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Kingsmen vs Blades of Steel

5 - 3
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Blades of Steel

5 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Blades of Steel

2 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Punishers vs Blades of Steel

2 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Blazers vs Blades of Steel

6 - 4
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs P.C. United

3 - 2
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Kingsmen

7 - 1
Le Dome West-Island

Blades of Steel vs Ducks

2 - 5
Le Dome West-Island

Churchers vs Blades of Steel

6 - 7
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Blades of Steel

5 - 4
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Churchers v Kingsmen

0 - 7
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Ducks

6 - 4
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Blazers

2 - 3
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Punishers v Kingsmen

2 - 3
'16-17 Playoffs
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v P.C. United

2 - 3
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Blades of Steel

2 - 3
Golf Dome

Churchers v Kingsmen

2 - 2
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Ducks

2 - 4
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Blazers

4 - 1
Golf Dome

Punishers v Kingsmen

2 - 3
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v P.C. United

2 - 6
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Blades of Steel

8 - 3
Golf Dome

Churchers v Kingsmen

2 - 7
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Ducks

5 - 5
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Blazers

2 - 3
Golf Dome

Punishers v Kingsmen

2 - 3
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v P.C. United

6 - 1
Golf Dome

Churchers v Kingsmen

2 - 3
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Ducks

2 - 4
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v Blazers

5 - 5
Golf Dome

Punishers v Kingsmen

1 - 3
Golf Dome

Kingsmen v P.C. United